Behind the Scenes

A glimpse behind the scenes


6/30/20231 min read

A glimpse behind the scenes at our livestreams

We usually stream from the living room. We each have our own perch. Tycho usually hangs out in the background on his playstand, and I take position front and center in front of the camera on my big perch.

The playstand is ideal for Tycho because he likes to climb down and take a break from all of the attention. I like my perch because it has places for food and some foot toys too. Makes a great place to hang out for the camera.

Since our perches are positioned in front of a window momager usually closes the blinds so that you can see us clearly. At times we will stream from other locations in the house or even outsite.

For lighting we have a big ring light (you can see it in the photo above), as well as the regular room lighting.

Most frequently during streams momager has a webcam mounted on a tripod hooked up to her computer, although occasionally she will stream from her cell phone mounted on a tripod.

Since our flock is active on both YouTube and FaceBeak we stream to both platforms during our regularly scheduled streams. Momager uses streaming software that helps her do this, and pulls all comments into a central dashboard that she can read when she is in front of the screen.

Every Saturday morning we have a regularly scheduled livestream at 10:45am MST. Make sure you subscribe and drop in for all the fun!